Monday, July 13, 2009

Inside Pics part 1

Here are some pics of inside our new home...there are still more pics to come of kitchen, dining, upstairs, back and frontyard soon..

In the hallway as we enter..across from Formal lounge.

Formal Lounge ...

A few pics taken from Hallway (looking towards the main door)...

Obvious..stairs..from main door.

Study Room..and deco across from study..

Home Theatre...
PS: Theatre room - Thanks to Rod & Matt - Go Audiovisual dreams :) Let me know if you need info on equipment/setup.

Living Area...


Clearwater Real Estate said...

Your home is really so beautiful. Exterior and interior both are perfectly planned and build. You probably shifted to your new home. Congratulations!
Clearwater Real Estate

InStylehomes and Loans said...

Wonderful blog & good post.Its really helpful for me, awaiting for more new post. Keep Blogging

House Plans Australia | House Plans Queensland

McCarthy and Co said...

It is interesting to be able to follow such a professional building project.
We would be interested to know how you managed to do the quantity surveying. We could advise you to contact McCarthy and Co, The Estate Agents, in St Marychurch, Torqauy to give us an insight into the quantities used in the project.

McCarthy and Co said...

It is interesting to be able to follow such a professional building project.
We would be interested to know how you managed to do the quantity surveying. We could advise you to contact McCarthy and Co, The Estate Agents, in St Marychurch, Torquay to give us an insight into the quantities used in the project.